

Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Cookies





Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Cookies

Granola is a beautiful thing. And, it has become a staple around here. It’s a rare day that I don’t start things off with a bowl of yogurt and granola. I have almost as many varieties of granola in my pantry as I do peanut butter. Those two facts came in quite handy for making these cookies.

So, here’s a really great thing. You only need four ingredients to make these cookies. That’s right. Four.

And, I don’t mean there’s a mix and three more things. Or a roll of refrigerated cookie dough, some mini candy bars, and a couple of other ingredients. No, there are four ingredients – peanut butter, granola, egg, salt. Seriously.

If there’s a catch, it’s that one of the ingredients is granola, which is, of course, a whole slew of ingredients in one handy package. Part of the granola is finely ground so that it acts much like flour. The remainder is stirred into the dough to add a lovely crunchy texture to the cookies.

Most any kind of granola will work. Just choose one that you think will go well with chocolate and peanut butter. I chose to use one of my favorite brands of granola, Early Bird, for these cookies. Specifically, I used their Choc-a-Doodle-Do granola, which features chocolate and coconut.

I also used Peanut Butter & Co.‘s Dark Chocolate Dreams for the peanut butter. There are several other brands of chocolate peanut butter, so just use your favorite. Or, if you prefer, use standard peanut butter without the chocolate element.

Not only are these cookies amazingly quick to make, they’re also really, really good. They are soft and chewy and a little crunchy. They are just the right amount of sweet to satisfy a little sweet craving.



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